How to Prepare for Cosmetic Surgery

Article by Dr. Jan Zemplenyi

Although cosmetic surgeries are not the solution to life-threatening conditions, they are still serious and require a good amount of preparation and precaution. If you are planning on having any alterations made to your body, you will be glad you took the time to prepare accordingly.

Do Your Homework

Before you even talk to any doctors or schedule any appointments you should do some research. Any kind of cosmetic surgery will be long-lasting, which is why you should avoid making any impulse decisions. If, after giving yourself some time to think it over, you still want to move forward with the surgery, you should look into the actual procedure.

Read up on how much it will cost, what the surgeon will actually do, how long the actual operation takes, and what to expect afterwards. There are plenty of reliable online resources that can give you a better understanding of which surgeons have good reviews and are worth the money. If you were looking for a new car or house, you likely would not go with the first one you stumbled upon without looking into alternatives. Seeing as cosmetic surgery involves altering your body, you should take the research portion even more seriously.

Rest Up

After the surgery is done your body will need time to recover. Your doctor may prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory pills, antibiotics, creams, or other medications to make the recovery process as quick, effective, and pain-free as possible. Pay close attention to the doctor’s orders. If you feel you may not be as active and may need to rest more, plan accordingly by taking time off work and any other obligations for a little while, if possible.

Blog Submitted by Dr. Jan Zemplenyi. Read Jan Zemplenyi reviews from real customers to see what makes Dr. Jan Zemplenyi the best in cosmetic surgery.


Can Massages Help Relieve a Pinched Nerve?

Summary: Suffering from chronic pain due to pinched nerves? There are various therapeutic alternatives you can turn to.

Pinched nerves are one of those nagging types of pains that tend to go away after causing you all sorts of discomfort. These nuances can happen to anyone with a variety of underlying causes like predisposed genetics or overworking some of the muscles in the body. Realistically, there isn’t much you can do to protect yourself from getting a pinched nerve, but there are various forms of treatment.

Mild, Moderate, Severe

Although it is most common in the back, neck, and shoulders, pinched nerves can occur nearly anywhere in the body and vary in severity. Mild pinched nerves usually dissipate after a few minutes or even seconds. It’s the type of slight pain that tends to pulsate after a brief “shock-like” feeling. Moderate cases tend to last much longer and can go on for even months. People tend to utilize chiropractic care or undergo a full body massage to help relieve and minimize the pain level. In severe cases, most people opt for surgery to keep the problem from reoccurring on a consistent basis.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a fantastic option for relieving the pain associated with a pinched nerve because it helps rid of excess muscle tension, which may be the cause of the pressure. Depending on the amount of pain that you are in, it’s likely that you want to vary your options. Massage establishments offer different types of massage styles. It’s important that you understand what each style of massage offers for your body before immediately signing up. For instance, if you have a sensitive back, you’ll want to avoid a deep tissue massage and go for a standard Swedish massage instead. Remember, you can delegate which area you want your therapist to focus on. Communicating beforehand can help make the process more efficient.

Chiropractic Care

When the pinched nerve is caused by either joint or bone issues, like a herniated disk for example, a great option is chiropractic care. Spinal adjustments are extremely beneficial for those that suffer from a pinched nerve and can’t seem to shake the pain that follows. Many times, chiropractic care can relieve the pressure causing the pain by repositioning the bone and relaxing the muscles to reduce the overall tension. If you are opting for surgery, you should consider turning to chiropractic care beforehand as an invasive procedure is the last thing you’ll want.