4 Tips for Avoiding the Cold and Flu

There are many people who are constantly exposed to cold and flu germs like doctors, flight attendants, teachers, but they don’t always get sick. Here are some tips from the professionals who say that reducing your chances of getting the cold and flu, can be as easy as following the steps below.

Get a flu shot – Getting your annual flu shot is a good way to prevent or reduce the severity of the flu. Most often you can get your flu shots for free if you go to school or university if not visit your GP.

Wash your hands – If you come in contact with a lot of people, the trick to catching fewer infections is to wash your hands often. Washing your hands is especially true after you use the toilet or before you eat. Although hand sanitizer is a good option, the best way to clean your hands is to use soap and water. You should scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds to get rid of most germs.

Avoid getting close to people who are sick – Stay away from people who are sick as they can be very contagious. When visiting or take care of a sick person, ensure that you wash your hands often and keep a safe distance from the patient.

Keep your surroundings clean – To be on the safe side, sanitize often used areas in your home like for example, your phone, mobile, door knobs and switches.